The Robinson Daily News reviewed Wa-Ba-Shik-Ki on the the front page of Thursday's afternoon. It was a good review, however, they called it a romance and a light-hearted story. The book may be a lot of things, but I wouldn't pin those labels on it. What do they think I am...some kind of wussy? I think not. The review went on to tell about all the free love and violence. Nothing says romance like a good scalping. I figured I'd never hear the end of it at the bowling alley. I work so hard at portraying myself as a tough guy and then this comes along. Now I'm a romance novelist!!! On Friday morning I was surprised to find a steady stream of people lining up to buy my 'romance novel'.A young lady who was 87 years old made me promise her that the book was 'racy'. " I only read racy stories," she admitted. "The racier the better." Hmmm... "Hello Harlequin!"
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