Thursday, August 23, 2007


Wa-Ba-Skik-Ki is what the local Indians called the Wabash River in the early 18th century and is also the name of my upcoming book. Wa-Ba-Shik-ki means "bright water flowing over shining white rock," which may seem like false statement, but before erosion occurred, it was an accurate description of the Wabash. The book will be the first of three in a series that will be titled "Conquest of the Wabash." The book begins in 1680 when LaSalle's party is scatted after being attacked by Iroquois Indians near present day Starved Rock. Joseph LaMotte, a young courier de bois, meets the daughter of a Piankeshaw chieftain who takes LaMotte to her village on present LaMotte Prairie. Jean Dubois, LaMotte's best friend searches for his missing countryman only to find him, living happily with the Indians. Their presence changes the tribe's primitive culture forever.

More to Come...

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1 comment:

Susie said...

Keep up the good work! I guess this is one way I may learn some of the history of Illinois:) I think you're a fantastic writer, and can't wait for your next book!