Monday, June 18, 2012

This and That

A Few Things You Probably Didn't Know

1. In a study of 200,000 ostriches over a period of 80 years, no one reported a single case where an ostrich buried it's head in the sand. (Your working mans tax dollars at work?)

2. A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why. ( does anyone give a quack)

3. The "sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick" is said to be the toughest tongue twister in the English language. (easy for you to say)

4. The longest word to appear in an English language dictionary is "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis". (I knew that!)

5. Rats multiply so quickly that in 18 months, two rats could have over a million descendants, if none died in the meantime.

6. Most lipstick contains fish scales.

7. Like fingerprints, everyone's tongue print is different.

8. A shrimp's heart is in it's head. (I know people with similar problems)

9. In 10 minutes, a hurricane releases more energy than all of the world's nuclear weapons combined. ( why don't we harness the wind? OH wait, we have tried. I'm told we have no place to store the energy.)

10. If the government has no knowledge of aliens, then why does Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations, implemented on July 16th, 1969, make it illegal for U.S. citizens to have any contact with extraterrestrials or their vehicles? (More working mans tax dollars at work?)

11. On average, 100 people choke to death on ballpoint pens every year. (Don't let the NYC Mayor find this out, he'll outlaw ballpoint pens. Do you have license for that pen? )

12.  Butterflies taste with their feet.  (Yuck, glad we don't do that. (have you tasted a good foot lately)

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